Autoparts Assembly

  • Autoparts
  • Aichi, Obu
  • ¥ 1200/hr
  • 4060-30-0130


  • ¥1200/hr
    Hora Extra Conforme Produção
    25% Adicional na Hora Extra
    25% Adicional Noturno

Working hours and days

  • Alternated Shifts
    ① 06:00 ~ 15:00
    ② 15:00 ~ 24:00
    60 Minutes of Interval

Job Contract

  • Having own housing and transportation


  • No Prior Experience Required
  • Average Workers are Women Between '20s to '50s
  • Basic Level of Japanese Knowledge


  • Social Health Insurance
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Paid Vacation
  • Commuting Allowance
    (following the company's policy)