Electronic Components Assembly

  • Autoparts
  • Shizuoka, Makinohara
  • ¥ 1300/hr
  • 1007-10-0148
  • Immediate Start


  • ¥1300/hr
    Extra Hours Based on Factory Demand
    25% Additional for Extra Hours
    25% Additional Night Shift

Working hours and days

  • Alternated Turns
    ① 05:00 ~ 13:30
    ② 13:30 ~ 22:00
    ③ 22:00 ~ 05:00
    45 Minutes of Interval
    Day Offs on Saturday and Sunday
    (according to the factory calendar)

Job Contract

  • Outsourcing
  • Having own housing and transportation

Job Content

  • Assembly of Electronic Components


  • Advanced Level of Japanese Knowledge
  • We are Hiring Men and Women


  • Social Health Insurance
  • Unemployment Insurance
  • Paid Vacation
  • Commuting Allowance
    (following the company's policy)